Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) is a leading agro technology provider of India and its graduate are recognized throughout the world.
style="display: block;"> TNAU had its genesis from establishment of
an Agricultural School at Saidapet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India as early as 1868 which was later
relocated at Coimbatore during 1906. In 1920, the college was affiliated to the University of
Madras with the introduction of a three-year degree programme. Till 1946, the Agricultural
College and Research Institute, Coimbatore was the only institute for agricultural education for
the whole of South India. In 1958, it was recognized as a Postgraduate Centre for offering
Masters and Doctoral degrees. It is a non-profit public higher education institution.
TNAU is one of the leading Agricultural Universities, ranked first among the State Agricultural
Universities (SAU) in India. It has the pride of being the first SAU to be accredited by the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Recognizing the merits, the ICAR awarded The Best
Institution and The Best Performing University to this institute.
The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) of Ministry of Human Resource
Development (MHRD), Government of India (GOI) ranked TNAU as the first among the State Agricultural Universities in India. TNAU ranks 25 th among “All Universities” category, 40 th among “Overall” category of academic institutions and 105 th in QS-BRICS.
Postgraduate study in TNAU is a very special experience. The courses are offered in the
university campus and in its constituent colleges. The students on completion of the course
requirements have the opportunity to take up their research in any institute / industry in India. As
an established research-intensive university, TNAU has excellent link with reputed national and
international institutes for student exchange programme. The university is also offering
integrated PhD and External PhD programmes from the academic year 2013-14.